Frank Strasser's Venice Paintings featured on The ABC Sitcom Blackish.
As I kid, I remember my pops packed a lunch box and thermos of coffee every morning. He put on a gray uniform. There was a white patch above his shirt pocket, with a blood red rim. Dad's name was embroidered on the patch in the same color. The patch read "Frank."
Yep, I was named after my daddy. Besides his name, I inherited Pop's feisty Irish temper, his skill for blurting flurries of expletives, his distaste for pompous too big for their britches types, fancy pants establishments, and his deep appreciation for simple pleasures.
That being said, as kid I I Irish temper in red with his name embroidered in red, Frank. on his shirt rimmed in red thread with his name emroidered. red patch . Every now and then I doubt my abilities as an artist, bemoan my lack of recognition and wonder why I ever quit my gig as an apprentice in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W) . It was in the deep dark midst of such a grim stint that the elctreical The art directors for The ABC Sitcom Blackish chose two of my paintings for their sets. Frank's Venice Canal Paintings for their sets.

One of my Venice paintings hangs on the wall of the Anderson Family in the ABC sitcom set.