Creating Fun, Colorful Art for 50 Years
Creating Fun, Colorful Art for 50 Years
Creating Fun, Colorful Art for 50 Years
Forty Years in Venice Beach
(The Long Story Short Version)

I lived in Venice Beach, California for 40 years. From 1979 until 2017 home was a tiny studio, on a narrow alleyway nestled snugly between the largest body of water on planet earth, The Pacific Ocean, and The Historic Venice Canals.
By day, I worked a mix of odd, and odder jobs --- some more respectable than others. At night, I sang with rock bands in local dive bars or wrote poetry at 24-hour cafes. I often strolled the tranquil canals or Venice Pier where rhythmic waves slapped barnacle-crusted pilings, and distant lights winked seductively on the Pacific Coast Highway.
I moved to Venice at a perfect time. I was 24 and open to anything imaginable. I'd just returned to L.A. from touring Europe, where I visited nine countries and every museum on the map. I spent April in Paris, where I was inspired by Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh who helped me realize what I'd always only vaguely known --- I was an artist.
I started painting at 12 One day my Little League game was rained out so I finally opened up a paint set I got for Christmas. Later, I took one half-ass painting class in college. But I really learned to paint pulling all-nighters hunkered over yellowed newspapers sprawled out on a wobbly kitchen table in my makeshift Venice studio.
I painted simple landscapes of the Venice Canals based on sketches and polaroids I snapped in the early 80s. Later, I worked to capture the rebellious spirit of the vibrant quirky seaside community. Over 40 years, I watched Venice change from a sleepy, artsy, edgy seaside town into a trendy area with pricey homes and more upscale residents.
From humble beginnings, ultimately, I was honored to have my art featured in The Free Venice Beachhead, The Journal of the Venice Historical Society, the Venice Family Clinic, Venice Paparazzi, and others. You may learn more about my art on my About page. You may view a selection of my Venice Paintings in the gallery below.